First baseman Presley Amato is enamored with his fellow infielder. Although the Rebels tend to accept gay players, Presley knows his homophobic, Elvis-loving father would disown him. What kind of Italian man doesn’t bed females? Presley is ready to come out, but with so much at stake, he can’t let the cat out the bag.
Tyler Aiken is an easy-going, sexually fluid male. Wanting to play the hot corner has always been his dream, so he doesn’t fly the freak flag too much. However, when he catches Presley giving him more than the eye, Tyler swings hard for the fences to get the slightly, older player into bed.
For both, making plays on the field is easy, but away from the stadium lights, it’s harder and when emotions get in the way, being ‘just teammates’ becomes even more difficult than winning.