⭐️⭐️⭐️Since we have to do our part in keeping the numbers down for COVID-19, why not snuggle up with a few of my longer books? .🌈🌈🌈 No end date in sight for these titles to come off sale so take advantage! Boxset SALE on Amazon only!
Breakable Faith & Renewed Faith Vale Valley $0.99 http://bit.ly/2W9qdNQPure Fluff $0.99 - https://smarturl.it/VDayBundleNola Nights - (N'awlins Exotica 1-7) $2.99 http://bit.ly/2TPlpx8Immortals Box Set - $2.99 http://bit.ly/2KwbsQQHardy & Day Boxset - $0.99 https://smarturl.it/UTGBoxAmz